Viroxy microbiologists analysing product

Work For Viroxy

Join us if you’re looking for a career in the fast lane with a local testing laboratory that has a global mindset.

We have been interviewing candidates at our office in the heart of Kuala Lumpur almost every week since we opened our doors and although we have recruited some of the best brains, we are looking for more. The top minds in our payroll have made it possible for us to gain ISO/IEC 17025 accreditation within 10 months and list 23 disinfectant efficacy testing norms under the scope in just 15 months! To date, we are accredited with 29 European Norms under the scope to test disinfectant efficacy. Our vision for Viroxy is greater still and the only way we can achieve it is by hiring more talents. In other words, we have a voracious appetite for both young and experienced professionals who are serious about establishing our position and building a solid career foundation along the way.

Although we welcome all applicants, there are several fields of study or profession that make our HR manager’s heart flutter:

  1. Microbiologist
  2. Virologist
  3. Toxicologist
  4. Chemist
  5. Regulatory Affairs Executive
  6. Business Development Executive
  7. Physical and Mechanical Testing Analyst

If your background is from any of these fields, submit your application now by sending us your resume, a copy of your certificates and a letter of recommendation at Alternatively, join our talent network to receive updates on new job openings and other exciting developments at Viroxy.

The Skilled Professional

If you have donned your lab coat or office suit until it’s slightly frayed at the cuff, we could use your expertise at Viroxy. Whether you’re a seasoned microbiologist, virologist, toxicologist, chemist, regulatory affairs officer, business development expert or physical and mechanical testing analyst, we can make your resume look a lot more impressive with experience in a variety of international microbiological, chemical and physical testing procedures. Colourful feathers for your cap? We think so too. To keep things interesting, we constantly expand our scope of tests, test out new methods and acquire additional laboratory certifications to meet the demands of our clientele. Our team members are usually in the thick of the action and gain loads of knowledge in the process. Play the video to hear what some of our skilled employees have to say about their experience at Viroxy. If new challenges, bigger responsibilities, constant progress and continued learning give you an adrenaline rush, Viroxy might just be the workplace for you.

Check out our vacancies and send in your application if you’ve got what it takes.

The Aspiring Graduate

So, you have just graduated and your lab coat or office shirt hasn’t quite lost its starchy stiffness yet. But you know with every fibre of your being that the course you chose fits your passion, personality and aspiration best. And you don’t want to give up on your passion just because some people say that the job market is tough. Worry not, we want you. All you need is an appetite for learning, a great grade, pride in hard work and the willingness to work as a team. And we will kick-start your career. At Viroxy, even if you’re just a fresh graduate, we can build upon the knowledge you already possess with hands-on training and supervision to shape you into a professional. With clear goals to achieve weekly and monthly, you will be able to see the progress you make every step of the way and work independently at an accelerated pace. In the video below, some of our new graduates talk about their experience working for Viroxy.

Apply for a job with us and know that it’ll be the most important decision you’ll ever make to seal your career as a professional.

The Learning Intern

You probably don’t own a lab coat or a suit yet but you know you did the right thing applying for this course. And now that you’re learning about all these wonderful theories and getting your feet wet, you realise this is your thing. You’re in your element working in a laboratory or comfortable juggling numbers and thinking analytically. It’s all good except you’re not sure if you can make it out there in the real world. If only you could test your wings... Viroxy’s internship program will build the foundation you need to build a career in your field of study. As an intern, you will be given meaningful projects and guided by experienced senior staff and friendly colleagues along the way. You will learn to work independently while conducting projects that add real value to the company rather than performing inconsequential jobs. The rich and rewarding experience you gain during your internship at Viroxy will be a valuable resource you can tap into when you’re ready to launch a serious career in your field of study upon graduation. To learn more about what to expect, watch the interviews with our previous interns below.

To apply for our internship program, e-mail your particulars, a copy of your certificates and a letter of recommendation at and we will contact you.

Hiring Now

To apply for the positions below, send us your resume, a copy of your certificates and a letter of recommendation at and we will get in touch with you.

Viroxy Talent Network

Can’t find the job you’re looking for? Send us your details below. We will add you to a network of talents in the industry and send you an e-mail when there is a job opening at Viroxy relevant to you. We will also send periodic news and updates from the industry and maybe even reach out for a collaboration. The possibilities are endless when like-minded individuals network. So, do yourself a favour and subscribe below.

*All fields must be filled up

5 Qualities You Must Exhibit During Interview

Going for an interview is never a pleasant experience but it helps to know what your employers look for in a candidate. We decided to make it easier for you and release a list of 5 qualities we insist our candidates possess: